Things to do in salt lake city

Ensign Peak Overlook Downtown Salt Lake City

How to get to Ensign Peak Trailhead

From 600 N. State Street, take Capitol Boulevard (east of the Utah State Capitol Building) to get to Ensign Vista Drive. You can park along the street beside the Ensign Memorial Garden Entrance. The trailhead is super easy to spot (just look for the stairs).

The trail starts out pretty steep and stays that way until you reach the first overlook point– “Ensign the View”. You can stop at the first overlook point or keep going up to the summit– “Ensign Peak.” The full trail is only one mile round trip, but it may seem a little longer because of the steep incline to the top. Be encouraged–the hike back down is much easier!

Ensign Peak History

Back in 1847, Brigham Young and several other Mormon pioneers climbed the hill in order to survey the land before they began building the city that is now Salt Lake City. An “ensign” is usually something like a flag or banner that helps to unify people, and the pioneers hoped to rally the Mormon people around their cause.

Over the years, The LDS church has held various religious ceremonies near the trailhead because of the peak’s historical importance. Furthermore, the LDS church named their investment management company (Ensign Peak Advisors) after the prominent peak.

Ensign Peak Overlook

One thing we really love about the Ensign Peak trail is that you arrive to the first viewing spot in under 10 minutes. If you’ve got younger kids with you or if you’re in the mood for a leisurely hike, you can stop at “The View” and get a great look at the Salt Lake Valley without hiking up to the actual peak.

As you look out over the valley, you can see the Wasatch Mountains and the University of Utah to the left. On the right, you can usually see airplanes flying in and out of the Salt Lake Airport. The Utah State Capitol is straight ahead– you can’t miss it.

Along the trail, there are some really great spots for quick family pictures too!