Connect during Social Distancing

Creative Ways to Stay Connected While Social Distancing

We are now a few weeks in to this “stay at home” time. For most of us, the newness of the situation has worn off, and we are all starting to realize the far reaching effects of this virus. We have been asked to help slow the spread of the virus by keeping our loved ones at home. We’ve now added a new phrase to our vocabulary–“social distancing.”

Social Distancing vs Physical Distancing

Clearly, our health experts want us to distance ourselves physically from each other, but do they really want us to distance ourselves socially ?

No! Of course, not! In times like these, we desperately need to find ways to connect with each other and support each other. So, how can we do our part by staying home while also reaching out to our friends, family, and neighbors during this uncertain time?

Recently, I asked several of my friends to weigh-in on this topic of how to stay connected with people while we are physically distanced from each other. I was so encouraged by their responses, and I want to share their creative ideas with you in hopes that you would make it a priority to remain connected with your friends and family during this season. We need each other!

Creative Ways to Connect Without Using Technology

Plan a Picnic: Ask your neighbors to join you for a picnic. Choose a time that works for everyone, and throw a quick lunch or snacks together for your family. You picnic on your front lawn, while your neighbors picnic on theirs. You may have to talk a little louder than normal, but what a fun way to spend an afternoon! Just make sure you explain to your kids the important “physical distancing” piece. Great idea from my friend Rachael!

Ding Dong Ditch: Put a surprise treat bag (with a handwritten note from your family) together for a friend or neighbor, and leave it on their door step. You could tell them ahead of time or just let them be surprised. Your family will have so much fun planning and delivering the surprise! Fun ideas from my friends Adrea and Katie!

Decorate Your House: Spread joy and hope by decorating your front door or windows. If you’re feeling extra energetic and your kids are running out of things to do, you could even put your Christmas lights back up! What a fun way to spread cheer to your neighbors!

My friend Sarah’s Decorated Windows- I LOVE this idea!

Write a Letter: Have each member of your family write and send a letter to a family member, friend, or healthcare worker. Add lots of fun pictures, stickers, and encouraging notes. Even the littlest members of the family can get involved. My one year old son recently learned to color “pictures” with crayons, and we sent a few letters to some of our family and friends. We had the best time making them, and our family and friends loved his artsy scribbles.

Chalk The Walk: Grab some colorful chalk and get all hands on deck to make your driveway and sidewalks around your house look like the greatest art gallery in town. Draw creative pictures and write encouraging notes so that all who pass by will be encouraged by your joy and hope! Great idea from my friend Ronda!

Creative Ways to Connect Using Technology

Marco Polo Prayer Chain: In my opinion, this app is like having a high-tech walkie talkie. It’s really easy to use, and the app is free to download on your iPhone or iPad. My friend Jessica mentioned that she and a few friends started a prayer chain using the app. One person prays and then “tags” someone before ending their message; the person that was tagged then prays and the chain continues on.

Zoom with the Whole Family: Zoom is another great website to use to connect with family and friends. Zoom offers a free plan that includes 40 minute meetings of up to 100 people. Schedule a meeting time, and invite all of your siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents,etc. It’s the next best thing to an in person family reunion!

Houseparty Game Night: The Houseparty App allows you to video chat with up to eight people at once. But, what’s even better is that you can play games during your chat through the app or the website. You can play Heads Up, Trivia, and Draw It (which is kind of like Pictionary) with your friends and family!

Virtual Coffee Date: Plan a time for catching up and coffee with a close friend. Even a 15 minute virtual hangout on Google Meet or Facetime could be really refreshing. Ask how things are going and how you can pray for each other during this time.

Netflix Party: Plan a virtual movie night with friends or family using the Netflix party extension. You can choose the movie or TV show and the extension will synchronize everyone’s screen so that you can watch the movie “together.” There’s also a chat function on the side of the movie screen where you can “talk” with your friends throughout the movie.

Share Some of Your Ideas!

How have you connected with friends, family, and neighbors over the past few weeks?

Share your ideas in the comment section below!