Encourage your family from home

20 Practical Ways to Encourage Your Family Today

How are things going with your family? How are your kids handling the quarantine life? Are you and your husband about to pull your hair out or are you rocking this whole “work from home while keeping the kids alive and entertained” thing?

Our responses to those questions may vary, but I think we could all agree that our family routines and rhythms have had to change a bit over the last few weeks. As with any unexpected transition, we may start to feel overwhelmed and slightly disoriented.

During this season of change, we can choose to spread joy, gratitude, and stability throughout our homes, or we can infect our homes and those inside with our impatient words and ungrateful grumbling.

Recently, I asked several of my friends to share their ideas on how we can continue to encourage our family members during this “stay at home” time. Here are 20 practical ways to encourage your family today:

Ways to Encourage Your Husband

Respect his Workspace: Many of our husbands still have heavy workloads and high expectations placed on them during this work from home time. Some may have acquired even more work as companies have had to lay-off employees who they could not pay. Do your best to give your husband a quiet place to focus so he can be fully present with you and the family when he “clocks out.” Great idea from my friends, Hanna and Emily!

Bring him his Favorite Drink/Snack: Surprise him by dropping off his favorite drink or snack before he has a chance to ask. Great idea from my friend, Adrea!

Recognize his Hardwork: My friend Laurel explained it well, “letting him (her husband) know how much we appreciate everything he is doing; and recognizing how crazy it’s been for him goes a long way.” Most of us are truly grateful, but we simply forget to express that gratitude to our husband.

Play a Game Together: Plan a night to play his favorite board game or card game once the kids have gone to bed. Rachael mentioned that her and her husband like to play Skip-Bo while watching their favorite TV show. Sounds like a fun date night to me!

Pray for Him: Ask him what’s on his heart and mind, and then remember to bring him before the Lord in prayer. Here’s a neat 30 Day Praying for Your Husband Challenge by Revive Our Hearts that you could start today!

Take a Walk Without the Kids: Depending on the ages of your kids, you may or may not be able to swing this. But, if you can make it work, DO IT! Thanks for this idea, Ronda!

Make Clear Communication a Priority: No doubt, there are new frustrations and many uncertainties that are making these days extra challenging for everyone. As my friend Crystal said, “both of you may be on edge, but don’t allow that to cause hurt and anger towards your husband. Speak scripture to each other when fear takes center in your conversations. Unity during trials is essential.”

Plan a Fancy Date Night In: Ditch the yoga pants for a night, get all dressed up, and make a special meal together. You could even order a nice dessert for pickup or rent a new movie to watch together. Such a fun idea from my friend Kristin!

Read Together: Take some time in the evenings to read a book together. My friend Jessica mentioned that her and her husband have started a YouVersion Bible reading plan together.

Watch his Favorite TV Show/Movie: Maybe even look for a series that you’ve been wanting to watch so you can make it a weekly event. If you have a sports loving husband like mine, put April 19th on your calendar! The series premiere of “The Last Dance,” a 10-part documentary series on Michael Jordan and the 1990s Chicago Bulls, will air at 7 PM (9 PM ET) on ESPN. Not going to lie, I’m pretty stoked about this myself!

Ways to Encourage Your Children

Stay Positive: Choose an optimistic attitude and spread some joy! Don’t allow your children to focus on what they can’t do, but instead, help them think of all the fun things they can do and get to do because of this quarantine. Great reminder from my friend, Crystal!

Spend Time in God’s Word Together: Several of my friends mentioned reading the Bible together as a great way to encourage and “build up” your kids during this time. Helping them meditate on God’s promises and His unchanging character will bring long-lasting hope and encouragement to your home.

Laugh with Them: Don’t forget to laugh with your kiddos each day! Laughter is contagious, and it really is such great medicine for all of us. Thanks for the reminder, Katie!

Keep A Routine: Some days you may need to throw the routine out the window, but for the most part, try to stick to some sort of schedule so your children know what to expect. As my friend Emily explained, “Keep a routine as much as possible. This structure provides stability.”

Be Intentional: Set aside time to be with each child one-on-one throughout the day. Maybe even write out a schedule if you have to. Let them know that you see them and that you love them! Great reminder from my friend, Adrea!

Don’t Miss the Small Moments: Maybe it’s a peaceful walk around the neighborhood, an impromptu dance party, or a chance to spend fifteen extra minutes chatting over a bowl of Cheerios. Soak in all of those “small moments” because those blinks in time make life so incredibly special.

Praise their Good Behavior: I love this idea from my friend Laurel. It is so easy to constantly correct and reprimand wrong behavior in our children–especially when our fuse is short to begin with. Try to look for ways to praise good behavior when you see it–or even just improvements in behavior if a child is really struggling!

Make their Favorite Meal/Snack: If you have multiple kiddos, maybe let them each choose the menu for one night during the week. Get them involved with the cooking process too!

Look Into Their Eyes: I love how my friend Hanna explained this, “Put the phone down and look into their eyes when they’re talking to you. Ask them what they would like to do. Dive down those pillow piles with them and cram into their blanket forts. They just light up and love that you’re giving them your full attention.”

Have a Sleepover or Camp-Out: Several of my friends gave this suggestion, and I just love it! Not sure how my one year old would do with a family camp-out, but we may have to try it out!

Lemonade Out of Lemons

Quarantine is not our first choice or even our tenth, but it’s required of us right now.

How are you making the most of this time? How are you encouraging your family during quarantine?

Share your ideas below!

This post is a part of the “Stay At Home Series.” Click here to view more posts in the series.

1 thought on “20 Practical Ways to Encourage Your Family Today”

  1. Pingback: Top Recipes for Quarantine-Ideas Shared by Moms for Moms - NotesforMamas

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